About our Jewelry Appraisal Services

How much does a jewelry appraisal cost?

Appraisals are performed in the presence of the client and delivered to the client at the end of the appointment. Basic jewelry and watch items take approximately 20-30 minutes per item to complete. However, if the appraisal requires more than the typical research, the completion of the appraisal will take longer. The client receives two printed copies of the report, a client master and a copy for your insurance agent. Each appraisal comes with detail descriptions of the items appraised including digital photographs and plots of diamonds over 1.00 carat in size.

All appraisal charges are based on the time needed and complexity of the items examined and not a percentage of the value of the items.  As such it is difficult to predetermine the exact charges without first seeing the items. However, the following are general guidelines for expected charges.

Sorting of items to determine if an appraisal is needed — NO CHARGE

Insurance Appraisals

These type of appraisals start at $85.00 per item. Items with a diamond or colored stone total weights of 2.00 carats or more will be more. (Gold items without diamonds or gemstones are less. Please call for an estimate.) Six or more items receive a 20% discount on the entire appraisal.

Estate & Fair Market Value Appraisals

$175.00 per hour

Cash Liquidation Appraisals

Start at $85.00 per item. Items with a diamond or colored stone total weights of 2.00 carats or more will be more. (Gold items without diamonds or gemstones are less. Please call for an estimate.) Six or more items receive a 20%  discount on the whole appraisal.

Exceptions: Fancy colored diamonds (other than brown or black), high quality rubies, blue sapphires from Burma (Myanmar), sapphires from Kashmir and Montana, high grade watches such as (but not limited to) Patek Philippe, Audemars Piguet, Vacheron Constantin, “Name” jewelers such as (but not limited to) Cartier, Tiffany & Co, Harry Winston, etc. must be seen first before a quote can be given.

Sorting of items to determine if an appraisal is needed is NO CHARGE ! So contact us and schedule a private, confidential appointment today.   Call 602-264-3210

Why are Jewelry Appraisals needed?

Two very important reasons!

ONE: There have been incredible increases in precious metals and jewelry in the last few years!!! (Gold was up 31% in 2007 alone.)

Jan 2001 –Jan 2009
Gold up 300%+
Platinum up 50% +
Silver up 250% +

For example: A gold chain purchased in 2001 for $300.00 will cost about $900.00 today!!!!

Large fine grade diamond prices are soaring. The price of a 5.00 carat, round, high quality diamond was increasing at up to 5% per week, December 2007!!!

For these reasons and others the Insurance Institute of America recommends that people update the values on jewelry and other personally property every two years.

It is recommended that diamonds of 3.00 carats or more be appraised yearly and diamonds 1.00 carat to 3.00 carats every 2 years!

If you have not had your jewelry appraised in the last 2 years don’t wait any longer as your insurance coverage may be out of date and your jewelry seriously undervalued.

TWO: Most people commonly believe that the “current or updated value” is the most important reason to have your jewelry appraised and or reappraised.

This is not true!

From 30 years of experience in the jewelry business, I know the most important and relevant facts involved in making a customer “whole” (insurance term), when a loss occurs is a complete, accurate description of the jewelry. This includes the type and weight of metals, quality and type of construction, the type, weight, quality and condition of diamonds, gemstones and pearls with detailed explanation of design, manufacture and age of the jewelry. This supplemented by good photographs.

I feel that, by far, this detailed information is the most important part of an appraisal. It is one thing to place a value on something, it is quite another thing to defend that value when, “push comes to shove” …when a loss occurs! – Craig A. Lynch G.G. Appraiser